Thursday, December 9, 2010


switching over to tumblr. come join me!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Secret of Victoria

Angels of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010 from Justin Wu on Vimeo.

To be honest I own nothing from Victoria's Secret. I've never seen a fashion show and kind of didn't care to. That being said, after last night, my mind has changed on the subject.
I kind of feel like it's all about women empowerment. These women are having fun showing who they are. Sure they happen to have the most amazing bodies in the world and are THE only women with those bodies but they are showing the fun in wearing things just for you. Agree or not, I am now pro-Victoria Secret.

A Secret Message

I've never been more excited to find a message.
I found this little treasure on the inside cover of Le Petit Prince at my library.
I fell in love.
What a thoughtful gift.